CONDITIONAL FORMATTING Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to CONDITIONAL FORMATTING for Excel and Google Sheets.


Highlight rows with blank cells
With the help of conditional formatting and a formula based on the COUNTBLANK function, we can easily highlight those rows that have one or more blank cells. This post will provide a clear guide on how to highlight rows with blank cells in excel. Figure 1: how to highlight rows...
Highlight dates that are weekends
There are times when we want to highlight only those dates that are weekends in excel. To do this, we can use a formula that is based on WEEKDAY function. This post provides a guide on how to use the WEEKDAY function to highlight dates that are weekends. Figure 1....
How to Highlight Every Other Row in Excel
While working with excel spreadsheets, there might come a time when we want to highlight every other row, which is also called zebra stripping, with conditional formatting. To do this, we can use a formula that utilizes either the ISEVEN or ISODD function. This post will guide you on how...
How to Highlight the 3 Smallest Values with Criteria in Excel
While working with Excel, we are able to highlight values based on a condition or criteria by using Conditional Formatting.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in highlighting the three smallest values with criteria by using the AND, SMALL and IF functions.   Figure...
Highlight cells that equal
Excel provides an easy way of highlighting cells based on a given condition or criteria by using conditional formatting.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in highlighting cells that equal to a certain value. Figure 1.  Final result: Highlight cells that equal to a...
Highlight dates in the next N days
Conditional Formatting is a feature in Excel that allows us to change the format of cells based on a set of rules or conditions.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in applying conditional formatting to highlight dates falling in the next N days.  ...
Highlight multiples of specific value
Conditional Formatting is a feature in Excel that allows us to change the format of cells based on a set of rules or conditions.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in applying conditional formatting to highlight multiples of a specific value.   Figure 1....
How to Highlight Values Between a Range in Excel
We often need to highlight values between a range. It might be needed to put emphasis on a set of values or to represent outliers. We can highlight values between a range in Excel using conditional formatting. It will retrieve specific values from the data based on conditions provided. In...
How to Lookup an Entire Row in Excel
Lookup is one of the mostly performed tasks in Microsoft Excel. We often require to perform lookup on different data. Sometimes, the result needs to be an entire row. The combination of the INDEX and MATCH functions allow us to lookup an entire row. In this tutorial, we will learn...
Highlight top values
Reporting insights from data often requires to highlight values based on criteria. One of the most common uses is to highlight top or bottom values. Excel offers some great ways to highlight values. We can highlight top values using conditional formatting in Excel. In this tutorial, we will learn how...
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