CONDITIONAL FORMATTING Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to CONDITIONAL FORMATTING for Excel and Google Sheets.


Conditional formatting dates overlap
We can use the Excel SUMPRODUCT function to check conditional formatting dates overlap in an array. In easy steps, we will teach you how to use this function to handle array comparisons seamlessly. Figure 1: Result of using the Excel SUMPRODUCT function to check conditional formatting dates overlap General Formula...
Undo last action
We can undo our last action in a fast and easy way using shortcuts already embedded within our Excel application. In straightforward steps, we will learn how the “undo the last action” shortcut works. Figure 1 – Example of the Undo last action General Formula Windows shortcut: Ctrl+Z MAC Shortcut:...
Select all dependents
We can select all cells with formulas that refer directly or indirectly to cells in our specific selection using the select all dependents shortcut in Excel. In straightforward steps, we will learn how to use this shortcut. Figure 1 – Result of using the Select all dependents shortcut General Formula...
Learn How to Select All Precedents in Excel
We can use A SHORTCUT (CTRL+SHIFT+{) to select all cells that came before a designated cell in Excel. This is also called “selecting all precedents” of that cell. This shortcut highlights all cells directly or indirectly related to the formula of the designated cell. The steps below will walk through...
Excel DECIMAL function
Just as it is with using other different functions in Excel, there are also ways to use the DEVSQ function. This post will guide you on how to use the Excel DECIMAL function in Excel with syntax. Syntax  =DECIMAL (number, radix) Where: number - A string of alphanumeric characters you...
Shade alternating groups of n rows
When we want to shade every n rows in excel, we can use a formula that is based on ROW, CEILING and ISEVEN functions together with conditional formatting. This article provides a clear guide on how you can shade alternating groups of n rows while working in excel. Figure 1:...
Conditional formatting highlight target percentage
We can use multiple conditional formatting rules to highlight percentage values using different colors. With multiple conditional formatting, we can different rules each with its own threshold. This article provides a clear guide on how to use conditional formatting highlight target percentage. Figure 1: Conditional formatting to highlight target percentage...
Highlight cells that ends with
We can use a simple formula to highlight cells that end with a certain text in excel. The simple formula should be based on the COUNTIF function. This article looks at how we can highlight cells that begin with a particular text using the COUNTIF function. Figure 1: How to...
Highlight cells that begin with
In excel, it is possible to highlight cells that begin with a certain text using conditional formatting and a formula that returns TRUE when cell starts with the text as specified. To learn how to highlight cells that begin with a particular text in excel, read this illustrative post to...
How to Highlight a Row and Column Intersection with Exact Match in Excel
It is now easy to highlight intersecting row and column in excel. This can be done by using a simple formula that is based on the OR function together with conditional formatting. This article will take you through the procedure of how to highlight intersecting rows and columns in excel....
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