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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Hi, my excel file crashes since it is too big, all escess formatting is already cleared. Let me know if you can help in any way. thanks!
Solved by E. C. in 15 mins
Hi I can't open all the tabs in an excel even using the formula "For Each ws In Sheets: ws.Columns("A:XFD").AutoFit: Next " do you think you can help? thank you
Solved by I. J. in 27 mins
Hello, I'm trying to calculate time between dates and time combined, but I can't seem to get the date part of it to work with me. I can send a sample excel of what I am trying to complete Any help would be great
Solved by M. Q. in 13 mins
Need help to writ the following excel formula: if a = 1 and b = 2 or 3 or 4 then X
Solved by X. Y. in 22 mins
I need help with Excel and establishing formulas to pull info from sheet 1 to sheet 2 as a total?
Solved by V. Y. in 15 mins
I got the following formula in my latest session: =_xlfn.MAXIFS(Q:Q;C:C;C2) But Excel 2016 does not have the maxifs function anymore, I need some help with changing to MAX(IF(
Solved by G. A. in 23 mins
im trying to solve regression on excel but it says " regression input range contains non-numeric data error" can you help me with this?
Solved by E. Y. in 11 mins
Hello I need some excel help please. I have a spreadsheet with 2,300 lines, and I need to pull a value against the word "Movement:" out to the right and into a new cell. I can then add the new column down without other data.
Solved by G. H. in 22 mins
My spreadsheet keeps crashing and I keep getting a message saying Excel isn't responding right now? I've been working on two spreadsheets, linking them and everything was working fine all morning, but when I went to add in a new column the problems started and even though I've rebooted and rebooted, the problem still occurs. Can you help me please?
Solved by C. C. in 17 mins
Hello, I am having an issue with my VBA code to pull specific records from a table in a search form. I know this is not Excel but they both run off the same code, is this something you could help with ?
Solved by B. Y. in 30 mins