I have 2 data sets.
The first data set is the big one w/ thousands of entries and several columns.
The second data set is the smaller one with three columns of info from the big data set. There are a hundred entries.
The small data set has select account IDs that correspond to Associates. Some Associates service multiple account IDs and therefore have multiple account IDs corresponding.
The big data set has thousands of entries. Though each entry has a corresponding account ID, there are several orders, so account IDs may have several entries.
I'm only concerned with the account IDs and Associates of the small data set even though the big data set has all account IDs and Associates orders.
I am looking for a way to filter out or generate all the entries in the big set that fit certain criteria. However, this criteria is linked, so all the entries that have A and B criteria in respective rows.
I narrowed the list of orders from Associates with specific orders and have the Small set showing the account IDs, associate, order, date.
I need to go to the big list of all orders and now find all entries with order equaling - product A and on date - X. So only the entries with both product A and date X. Not either or, both criteria must be present.
To do so, I have used VLOOKUP to get the initial list of what all orders made from the small sets associates and found the orders and corresponding dates I'm concerned with.
Then I Went to the big list and tried to use filters to find entries with product A done on on date X.
What would you suggest?
Solved by V. E. in 20 mins