Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
index,indirect,match,hlookup,different sheets,drop down lists,different tables sizes,buttons
Solved by G. H. in 15 mins
In cell O14, enter an HLOOKUP function that looks up the Distance of the school, and returns the Score based on the MilesGrade range located in B2:F3 of the Lists worksheet.
Solved by O. S. in 11 mins
Using HLOOKUP function, I am trying to create a data table in worksheet "Website_Dashboard_Tools" with the data from worksheet "Monthly_Website_Visitors". (The end result should look like on worksheet "Dashboard-Screenshot"). I need the monthly numbers for each website. I can't formulate the function to match them.
Solved by V. H. in 17 mins
I need to do a hlookup in the first column and highlight all related cells in that column based on another cell color that was formated in that row. please advise.
Solved by F. F. in 15 mins
I am trying to use an HLOOKUP function and I keep getting a #N/A error. None of the error help notes have helped.
Solved by V. Q. in 29 mins
I am having an issue with hlookup - need to return multiple values but can only get the first value extracted - possibly use of index would work , but cannot figure it out.
Solved by X. A. in 30 mins
I need help with excel formula to compare two columns and return a value