DATE AND TIME Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to DATE AND TIME for Excel and Google Sheets.


Excel TIME Function
We can use the Excel TIME function to create time using its individual components like hour, minutes and seconds values to return with a decimal number representing the specific time. The steps below will walk us through the process of using this in-built function. Figure 1- Result of using the...
Excel WEEKDAY Function
We can use the Excel WEEKDAY function to extract a weekday as a numeric value. This is an inbuilt function that is great for scheduling. In straightforward steps, we will walk through the process of using this function. Figure 1 – Result of using the Excel WEEKDAY function General Formula...
Convert decimal seconds to Excel time
We can use a formula to convert seconds in decimal format to Excel time. We will divide the seconds by 86400. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: How to Convert Decimal Seconds to Excel time Formula =A4/86400 Setting up the Data We will set up our...
Excel DAY Function
We can use the DAY function to return the day of the month from a given date. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: How to Use the Excel DAY Function Syntax =DAY(date) Formula =DAY(B5) Setting up the Data We will set up the data by inputting...
Get day from date
Most of the times there is a need to get the day from a given date and there are several options of doing this based on your requirements. There is a built-in function in Excel called the DAY function which is used to get a day from the date. This...
Get month from date
We can use the MONTH function to get the month from a given date. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: Result of using the MONTH function Syntax =MONTH(date) Formula =MONTH(B5) Setting up the Data We will set up data by inputting our Dates in Column B...
Excel WORKDAY Function
We can use the WORKDAY function to know if a day is a workday or not. This function calculates defined “workdays” dates in the future or past. It automatically excludes weekend dates and (optionally), holidays. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: How to Use Excel WORKDAY...
Get next day of week
Get the next day of the week The WEEKDAY function in Excel automatically returns the next day of the week from a stipulated date as specified in the function. What Is WEEKDAY Function? The WEEKDAY function calculates the next day of the week by counting the date forward by 7...
Calculate number of hours between two times
Most of the time we want to manage our free time. Excel allows us to calculate number of hours between two times, a concept that is needed when we want to plan our time well. This post will provide you with a guide on how to calculate number of hours...
Add months to date
While working with excel spreadsheets, we might need to add months to date. To do this, we can use the EDATE function as explained in this post. Figure 1: Adding months to date using EDATE function General syntax of the formula =EDATE (date, months) Understanding how the formula works Working...
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