We can use a formula to convert seconds in decimal format to Excel time. We will divide the seconds by 86400. The steps below will walk through the process.
Figure 1: How to Convert Decimal Seconds to Excel time
Setting up the Data
- We will set up our data by inputting the time in seconds in Column A
- The EXCEL TIME will be returned in Column B and afterward, we will convert it to a formatted time
Figure 2: Setting up the Data
Excel time
- We will click on Cell B4
- We will insert the formula below
- We will press the enter key
Figure 3: Excel time for Cell B4
- We will click on Cell B4 again
- We will double click on the fill handle tool (the small plus sign at the bottom right of Cell B4) and drag down to copy the formula into the other cells
Figure 4: Excel time
Formatted time
- We will click on Cell B4
- We will right-click and click on format cells
Figure 5: Dialog box for formatting time
- On the dialog box, we will click time and select the type
- We will click OK
Figure 6: Formatted time for Cell B4
- We will click on Cell B4 again
- We will double click on the fill handle tool (the small plus sign at the bottom right of Cell B4) and drag down to copy the formula into the other cells
Figure 7: Formatted time for Column B
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