VLOOKUP Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to VLOOKUP for Excel and Google Sheets.


The Essential VLOOKUP Troubleshooting Guide
The VLOOKUP is one of the most popular functions in Excel. However, there can be many errors while using this function. In this tutorial, we will learn what are the causes of the most common errors of VLOOKUP function. The essential VLOOKUP troubleshooting guide includes an explanation of #VALUE, #N/A...
Using VLOOKUP with Multiple Lookup Tables: Best Practices
While working in Excel, we often need to get values from multiple tables. This is possible by using VLOOKUP and IF functions. In this tutorial we will learn how to pull values from several tables, using VLOOKUP function with multiple lookup tables. Figure 1. Final result Syntax of the VLOOKUP...
How to Pull Values from Another Worksheet in Excel
While working in Excel, we will often need to get values from another worksheet. This is possible by using the VLOOKUP function. In this tutorial, we will learn how to pull values from another worksheet in Excel, using VLOOKUP. Figure 1. Final result Syntax of the VLOOKUP formula The generic...
How to Lookup with Variable Sheet Name
We can apply the VLOOKUP and INDIRECT functions to look up data in a variable sheet name in Excel. With the following illustrations, we will learn how to use these functions in simple steps. Figure 1- Results of using the Excel VLOOKUP and INDIRECT function General Formula =VLOOKUP(val,INDIRECT("'"&sheet&"'!"&"range"),col,0) Formula =VLOOKUP($B5,INDIRECT("'"&C$4&"'!"&"B5:C11"),2,0)...
VLOOKUP with Multiple Criteria
VLOOKUP is one of the most used functions for lookup in Excel. One of the shortcomings of this function is it only works for looking up data having a single criterion. Yet, with a simple workaround, we can make VLOOKUP work with multiple criteria. In this tutorial, we will learn...
How to use VLOOKUP with Multiple Workbooks
VLOOKUP is one of the primary function used for lookup and reference in Excel. One of the many limitations of VLOOKUP is its inability to work with multiple workbooks. This tutorial will walk through how to VLOOKUP with multiple workbooks. Figure 1. Example of How to Use VLOOKUP with Multiple...
How to Apply a VLOOKUP Between Worksheets
Figure 1. Sample Data set for VLOOKUP between Worksheets VLOOKUP is one of the most used formulas in Excel. In its generic form VLOOKUP can only refer data from the same worksheet. To apply a VLOOKUP between worksheets, we must reference the other worksheet(s) in the VLOOKUP formula. In this...
How to Use VLOOKUP with Numbers and Text
If we want to use the VLOOKUP function with both numbers and text, there usually is a mismatch between numbers and text. This article will step through the process of successfully using the VLOOKUP function with number and text. Figure 1. Final result Formula Below are the original and revised...
Lookup up cost for product or service
While working with Excel, we are able to lookup a value and retrieve data from a data set using the VLOOKUP function.  VLOOKUP provides a quick way of looking up a value from any list or range.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users to...
Learn How to Calculate Shipping Cost with VLOOKUP
We can use the VLOOKUP function to calculate the shipping cost for a specified weight of an item. We can also apply the MAX function to VLOOKUP in situations where we have a fixed minimum shipping cost no matter the weight. Figure 1: Result of the VLOOKUP function for Calculating...
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