VLOOKUP Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to VLOOKUP for Excel and Google Sheets.


How to Use VLOOKUP by Date in Excel
We can find values (numbers or text) that are associated with particular dates in excel by using the VLOOKUP function. We can do this by following the easy steps below. Figure 1: The Result of the Lookup Date Setting up the Data We need to have a table to make...
VLOOKUP from Another Sheet
In Excel, we usually have to work with more than one worksheet. The VLOOKUP function is able to be used on another sheet which allows the ability to better organize our data and perform calculations on it. This tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in performing a VLOOKUP...
How to Get the nth Match with VLOOKUP in Excel
We can get the nth match of a data with the VLOOKUP function. This can help us to organize data so that if we are looking for a value, it will be displayed. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: Result of the nth match with VLOOKUP...
Lookup value between two numbers
Generic FormulaLook Up Value Between Two Numbers =LOOKUP(B4,minimums,results) Explanation The LOOKUP function can be used to lookup the value between two numbers and deliver a commensurate result. To do this, the LOOKUP function and a sorted table will need to be used. =LOOKUP(lookup_value,lookup_vector,result_vector) Where: Lookup_value is the value that will...
VLOOKUP with two client rates
Excel allows us to lookup two client rates and summarize the sales values based on both rates. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in using double VLOOKUP to get the total sales based on the two client rates. Figure 1. How to Vlookup with...
Excel Fuzzy Lookup
Excel Fuzzy Lookup Add-In is used to match similar, but not exactly matching data. This function is often used instead of VLOOKUP, when we want to compare two columns which have very similar data, but not exactly the same. As an output, Fuzzy Lookup returns a table of matched similar...
How to Perform VLOOKUP Between Two Workbooks
Excel has a large number of functions to perform different tasks. VLOOKUP is one such function that is used for lookup and reference. Normally, VLOOKUP cannot lookup values across multiple workbooks. To perform lookup across multiple workbooks you have to nest an INDIRECT function inside a VLOOKUP and use an...
Learn How to Combine IF Function with VLOOKUP
VLOOKUP is a powerful function to perform lookup in Excel. It performs a row-wise lookup until a match is found. The IF function performs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result, and another for a FALSE result. IF and VLOOKUP functions are used together in multiple...
How to Use INDEX MATCH instead of VLOOKUP
VLOOKUP in Excel is a very useful function used for lookup and reference. It looks for the desired values from one row to another to find a match. Using a combination INDEX and MATCH, we can perform the same operations as VLOOKUP. INDEX returns the value of a cell in...
Top Reasons Why Your VLOOKUP is Not Working, and How to Correct Them
VLOOKUP is very common, popular and widely used function in Excel and Google Sheets. But the majority of users complain that VLOOKUP is not working correctly or giving incorrect results. This is because of some limitations with the VLOOKUP function, and sometimes users also do not carefully follow its rules...
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