VLOOKUP Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to VLOOKUP for Excel and Google Sheets.


Learn How and When to Do a VLOOKUP in Google Sheets
VLOOKUP Google Sheets function is design to vertically search the unique value from the first column of data range and return the matching value from the same row, one of the columns to the right from the same sheet, or different sheet. The Google Sheets VLOOKUP function is one of...
Learn How and When to Do a VLOOKUP in Excel
The VLOOKUP function is designed to search the value vertically in the first column of cells range or data table and returns the value from any of the columns to right. This function is, by far, one of the most useful functions when navigating a large set of data. You...
Check If One Column Value Exists in Another Column
When you need to check if one column value exists in another column in Excel, there are several options. One of the most important features in Microsoft Excel is lookup and reference. The VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH functions can make life a lot easier in terms of looking for...
How to Use VLOOKUP Across Multiple Worksheets
VLOOKUP is one of the most commonly used functions for looking up values in Excel. To perform VLOOKUP across multiple sheets in Excel, you can use a combination of Consolidate and VLOOKUP.  Use VLOOKUP across multiple worksheets If you want to use VLOOKUP across several worksheets in Excel, you can...
Using VLOOKUP on multiple columns
VLOOKUP is one of the lookup and reference functions in Excel and Google Sheets used to find values in a specified range by “row”. It compares them row-wise until it finds a match. In this tutorial, we will look at how to use VLOOKUP on multiple columns with multiple criteria. The syntax...
Handling an #N/A Error When Using VLOOKUP
VLOOKUP is one of the lookup and reference functions in Excel that is used to find values in a specified range by “row.” It compares them row-wise until it finds a match. In this tutorial, we will look at some instances where the VLOOKUP function shows a #N/A error and a few workarounds to fix...
How to Apply Conditional Format Based on VLOOKUP
Conditional formatting is a great tool to help visualize data on a spreadsheet. It can quickly highlight important information. Conditional formatting comes with many presets that you can apply to highlight your data. However, you can also add your own logic to conditional formatting.  VLOOKUP is a lookup and reference function to...
How to Compare Two Columns in Google Sheets and Excel
Excel provides us with different methods to compare two columns and find unique or duplicate values with the use of the VLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX, IF, COUNTIF or Conditional Formatting functions.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in comparing two columns in Excel or Google...
Using VLOOKUP to Retrieve Information from Different Excel Files
After generating a Pivot Table, you can retrieve specific data from the Pivot Table using the VLOOKUP and GETPIVOTDATA functions. When you use any of these functions, you are basically trying to find your lookup-value on another location in the Pivot Table and retrieve specific information related to that value. The...
What Are Some Common Errors When Using VLOOKUP?
Vlookup is one of the lookup functions in Excel that is used to find values in a specified range by “ row.” It compares them row-wise until it finds a match. Unfortunately, there are a few common errors when using this feature that could create some headaches. Common Errors Using VLOOKUP...
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