SUM Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to SUM for Excel and Google Sheets.


Sum If Begins With
While working with Excel, we are able to sum values in a data set based on a given criteria by using the SUMIF function.  SUMIF sums the values in a specified range based on a given condition.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in...
Sum columns based on adjacent criteria
With SUMPRODUCT function Excel allows us to sum column values based on the criteria in the adjacent column. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in summing the values from the multiple columns based on the criteria in the neighboring column from the right side....
Sum If Ends With
Excel allows a user to sum cells that end with certain characters, by using the SUMIF function. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in summing cells that end with selected text. Figure 1. The result of the SUMIF function Syntax of the SUMIF Formula...
Sum by group
While working with Excel, we are able to sum values that satisfy more than one criteria by using the SUMIF function.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in summing values by group using the IF and SUMIF functions.   Figure 1. Final result: Sum...
Sum every nth column
You can use SUMPRODUCT, MOD and COLUMN functions to filter every nth column and sum the values in those columns. Sum every nth column Formula = SUMPRODUCT((MOD(COLUMN(range)-COLUMN(range.first_column)+1,N)=0)*1,range) Explanation Range: Required. This range includes the values you want to sum. Range.first_column: Required. This cell locates the first column of the range....
How to Find Subtotal by Color in Excel
Excel helps us to subtotal by color in an efficient manner. We can use the SUMIF function to perform subtotal by color in Excel. It helps to add cells based on numbers, dates, and text matching certain criteria. In this tutorial, we will learn how to subtotal by color in...
Sum if greater than
Excel allows us to sum all values from a table that are greater than selected value by using the SUMIF function. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in summing values from the table with a certain condition. Figure 1. The final result of the...
How to Sum Values in Excel If They Are Not Blank
We can sum cells when certain values are not blank. We can do this with the SUMIF function. This step by step tutorial will guide all levels of Excel users through summing all non-blank values. Figure 1: Result of Summed Values that are not blank Setting up the Data We...
How to do Sumif by Year
We can use the SUMIFS Function to sum selected cells based on the values of the particular year we wish to add. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: How to do Sum if by Year Syntax =SUMIFS(sum_range,date_range,”>=”&DATE(year,1,1),date_range,”<=”&DATE(year,12,31) Formula =SUMIFS($B$4:$B$11,$A$4:$A$11,">="&DATE(D4,1,1),$A$4:$A$11,"<="&DATE(D4,12,31)) Setting up the Data We will set...
Sum entire column
Excel allows us to sum all values from any column by using the SUM function. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in summing values from a column. Figure 1. The final result of the SUM function Syntax of the SUM Formula The generic formula...
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