MEDIAN Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to MEDIAN for Excel and Google Sheets.


Here is How You Can Calculate the Median in Excel Using the SUBTOTAL Function
It is actually easy to calculate the median of a range of values using the MEDIAN function. But then it is not such easy when dealing with a range of values and you want to find the median that meets multiple conditions. To know how to go about this, here...
Learn How to Calculate the Median from a Frequency Table in Excel
Learn How to Calculate the Median from a Frequency Table in Excel Calculating the median from a frequency table is not as straightforward as many would want to think. Note that when working with a frequency table, the numbers might be repeating themselves a number of times and thus this...
Learn How to Use MEDIAN and IF to Find the Median When There are Conditions
With knowledge of excel MEDIAN and IF functions, it is now possible to get the median of values that meet a given criteria. Note that excel does not have MEDIANIF as a function. But by combining these two functions, we can be able to achieve our goals. This post provides...
Pro Tips on How to Find the Median in Excel
We can now find the median or middle number of a group of supplied numbers in an easy and straightforward way in excel. To learn how to do this, read this post to the end. Figure 1: How to find median in excel General syntax of the formula =MEDIAN (number1,...