TEXT Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to TEXT for Excel and Google Sheets.


How to Split Text and Numbers with a Formula in Excel
We can easily split text and numbers from a cell by using different combinations of functions such as FIND, MIN, LEN, LEFT, and RIGHT functions. The steps below will walk through the process of splitting text and numbers contained in a Cell. Figure 1: Split text and Numbers with a...
Split text string at specific character
Figure 1. of Split Text Function in Excel. By making use of the Excel Right, Mid, Left, LEN and SEARCH Functions, we are able to manipulate of data in form of text. This post will help us illustrate how to use different combinations of the Right, Mid, SEARCH and LEN...
How to Remove the Extension From Filename in Excel
When we save a filename in an operating system like Microsoft Windows it carries the extension to identify the type of file. The file extension is a string of characters at the end of a filename, usually three or four characters long, that comes after a full stop, like “.doc”,...
Remove Line Breaks in Excel
Figure 1. of Remove Line Breaks in Excel. In order to remove any/all Line Breaks from text located within a cell of our worksheet, we are going to utilize a formula syntax based on the CHAR and SUBSTITUTE Functions in Excel. Generic Formula =SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(10),", ") How to Remove Line Breaks...
How to Remove Text by Matching
We can remove text in Excel by matching the content. This can be done with the SUBSTITUTE function. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: Result for Removing Text by Matching Syntax to Remove Text by Matching =SUBSTITUTE(text, text_to_remove,"") Formula =SUBSTITUTE(A4,"-","") Setting up the Data to Remove...
Remove text by position
While working with Excel, we are able to remove specific parts of a text string by using the REPLACE or SUBSTITUTE  functions.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in removing text based on their position using two different methods.   Figure 1. Final result:...
How to Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces from Text
We can remove unwanted spaces to the right and left of a text with the TRIM Function. The steps below will walk through the process Figure 1: Result of the Removed Leading and Trailing Spaces from the Text Syntax =TRIM(TEXT) Formula =TRIM(A4) Setting up the Data We will input the...
Remove text by variable position
While working with Excel, we are able to retrieve the specific parts of a text string that we want by using the REPLACE function.  However, when the position of the text we want to obtain varies, we make use of the FIND  function.  This step by step tutorial will assist...
Remove characters from right
While working with Excel, we are able to retrieve only the specific parts of a text string that we want by using the VALUE, LEFT and LEN  functions.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in removing characters from the right side of a cell...
Remove unwanted characters
Figure 1. Remove Unwanted Characters in Excel. If we are required to remove/delete certain unwanted characters from a text string, we are going to make use of the Excel SUBSTITUTE function. Generic Formula =SUBSTITUTE(B4,CHAR(code),"") The Excel SUBSTITUTE function can be used for finding and replacing text in a cell. How...
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