TEXT Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to TEXT for Excel and Google Sheets.


Count specific words in a cell
While working with Excel, we are able to count specific words or text by using the LEN and SUBSTITUTE function.  LEN returns the length of a text string while SUBSTITUTE replaces a word in a text string.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in...
Count specific words in a range
Figure 1. of Count Specific Words in a Range. In order for us to determine the number of times a specific word/text (or a substring) is occurring within a range of cells, we are going to utilize SUMPRODUCT, SUBSTITUTE and LEN Functions. This tutorial will step through the process. Generic...
Excel REPT Function
Excel allows us to repeat a text or character for a specified number of times by using the REPT function.  This tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in using the REPT function.   Figure 1. Final result of the REPT function Syntax of the DMIN Function Repeats text...
Double quotes inside a formula – PENDING
Formula =""""&A1&"""" Explanation While using Excel, if you need to add double quotes in any formula that you want to use, you are required to use another double quote which can be called escape characters. What does escape character mean? Actually, it tells the Excel to consider characters as a...
Excel PROPER Function
Excel allows us to convert any text string into proper case by using the PROPER function.  The proper case of a text means that all first letters of each word is capitalized, and all succeeding letters are in lower case.  This tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in...
Clean and reformat telephone numbers
Telephone numbers come in many forms, normally in combination with other characters like hyphens, periods and parentheses.  While working with Excel, we are able to clean telephone numbers using the SUBSTITUTE function.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in cleaning and formatting telephone numbers....
Cell Contains All of Many Things
We can use a formula that deploys the SEARCH function, with the help of ISNUMBER, SUMPRODUCT and COUNTA function to test if a cell contains all of many things in a list. For you to understand how this is done, here is a post that provides a clear guide about...
How to Add a Line Break with Formula in Excel
We can easily add a line break with a formula using the concatenation operator (&) along with the CHAR function in excel. This post will provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the function together with the operator to add a line break with formula in excel. Figure 1:...
Excel TRIM Function
We can use the Excel TRIM function to remove extra spaces from a text. This allows us to have only single spaces between words, with no space characters at the start or end of a text. This post provides an elaborate method of how to use the Excel TRIM function...
Excel MID Function
We can use the Excel MID function to extract given characters from the middle of a text string. While this might seem challenging to some people, this post provides a clear guide on how extract the middle characters of a supplied text string using the excel MID function. Figure 1:...
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