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Hi, I am trying to get a sum of three separate cells in excel by typing "=H45+H23+H37"...and eventhough only one of the cells shows "0.00", and the remaining two cells have positive balance, the result I get is "0.00".................
Solved by K. L. in 18 mins
need help.... SUM(COUNTIFS('Parts NC Entry'!$E$2:$E$1934,M9,'Parts NC Entry'!$K$2:$K$1934,"X")+COUNTIF('Parts NC Entry'!$E$2:$E$1934,N9,'Parts NC Entry'!$K$2:$K$1934,"X"))-COUNTIFS('Parts NC Entry'!$E$2:$E$1934,M9,'Parts NC Entry'!$G$2:$G$1934,"TRIAL/SETUP",'Parts NC Entry'!$E$2:$E$1934,M9,'Parts NC Entry'!$K$2:$K$1934,"X")-COUNTIFS('Parts NC Entry'!$E$2:$E$1934,N9,'Parts NC Entry'!$G$2:$G$1934,"TRIAL/SETUP",'Parts NC Entry'!$E$2:$E$1934,N9,'Parts NC Entry'!$K$2:$K$1934,"X")
Solved by V. U. in 15 mins
I have a figure which is the sum of 9 months of payments. Each payment decreases by the same amount (X) so the first payment is Y, second payment is Y-X, third is Y-(Xx2), forth is Y-(Xx3) and so on. I am trying to calculate what each of the 9 payments should be.
Solved by A. W. in 60 mins
Need a spreadsheet for a performance review 1-5 with explanations. I would like to have the scores sum at the end
Solved by K. U. in 50 mins
I'm trying to use something, like index/match, to find data then sum it across rows
Solved by M. F. in 60 mins
Need to seperate text thats in a cell so i can sum them
Solved by G. C. in 10 mins
Hi, What formula is best to sum 2 values in 2 separate cells based on a matched criteria? Thanks
Solved by A. Y. in 40 mins
I have problem regarding formulas for finding sum please help
Solved by K. A. in 60 mins
i have a cell which displays a number, i would like the following sell to automatically change the second variable in the Sum(A1:A2) (A2) to the cell which displays the number
Solved by A. J. in 20 mins
I want to know how to sum the data within the same cell. I know that there is the function name "Sum numbers in a cell", but I couldn't find it on the spreadsheet. thank you so much in advance :)
Solved by M. Q. in 32 mins
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