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I have a volume cell & a price cell & i need a conditional formatting to highlight the price cell in red, if there is a value in the volume cell & no value in the price cell
Solved by D. D. in 20 mins
I need a formula in conditional formatting to shade cell O4 blue if cell F4 contains part of "District Active Support Member"
Solved by G. U. in 20 mins
Hi, I am using Conditional Formatting in Excel. I am trying to compare text in one column to text in another column, but the text in the one of the columns is included within other text. So, for example, a cell in column A includes the phrase: "I use Excel everyday" and a cell in column B includes the phrase "use Excel". I am trying to figure out whether the phrase "use Excel" in column B appears in column A, even though it is included within other text. My entire spreadsheet is like this. Column B is a fragment of text in Column A. If I click on Conditional Formatting, New Rule, Format Only Cells That Contain, Specific Text...
Solved by O. Q. in 25 mins
I have a question about Conditional Formatting. =IF('Sheet1'!A1="X",IF('Sheet1'!B1="Y", TRUE, FALSE),FALSE) the set the cell background to red. I would like to make it so that if Sheet1'!B1="Z" I set the back to blue. How can I achieve this.
Solved by B. F. in 39 mins
Hi, I have a google sheet shared by the team, I set the conditional formatting, the row will turn into certain colors as cell values are updated, the next thing I want to accomplish is to move all the rows that has changed to certain colors to another spreadsheet, automatically...Is it something achievable?
Solved by X. J. in 28 mins
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