Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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can i create a formula to cross reference data from 2 different workbooks? ie if a number appears in column one in workbook 1 then input the data related to that number into a separate workbook?
Solved by E. E. in 20 mins
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Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:20
Welcome, Thanks for choosing Got It Pro-Excel.
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:21
I understand that you need help with formulas
User 21/08/2017 - 11:22
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:22
Are you currently working on MS Excel or Google Sheets?
User 21/08/2017 - 11:22
ms excel
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:23
Can you explain further what you're expected output?
User 21/08/2017 - 11:25
i need to be able to create a formula to pick out data from one workbook and IF true then transfer data to another workbook is that doable? also im complete beginner re formula and this is fairly complex
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:26
What data exactly are we looking at? I renamed Sheet1 as Workbook1
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:26
and created a 2nd sheet and renamed it Workbook2 so we can replicate what you want (just using different sheets.
User 21/08/2017 - 11:30
essentially i need to lookup the number in workbook one and if correct complete the customer hire and off hire dates to workbook 2?
User 21/08/2017 - 11:30
does that make sense?
User 21/08/2017 - 11:30
i have 250000 entries that i have to manually sort and transfer info between the 2 workbooks!
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:31
just the customer hire and off hire dates?
User 21/08/2017 - 11:31
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:31
Looks like you also have Customer column there
User 21/08/2017 - 11:32
customer, hire and off hire dates from the number
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:32
Got that.
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:32
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Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:34
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:34
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Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:34
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Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:36
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:36
Do you have the same field name for your fields?
User 21/08/2017 - 11:36
can do
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:36
What do you mean?
User 21/08/2017 - 11:37
yes i do
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:37
Oh ok.
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:37
Because if the fields are completely the same then we can use a dynamic formula
User 21/08/2017 - 11:38
yes exactly the same
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:39
Can you look at Workbook2?
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:39
And look at cell B2
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:39
Do you see that it came back as error?
User 21/08/2017 - 11:40
Excelchat Expert 21/08/2017 - 11:40
That's because the header is "CUSTOMER "

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