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I need to figure a percentage of contribution of the grand total on multiple rows. Grand total is in a fixed location. I know there is a way to have the calculation done on cells going down the page (perhaps using the $ sign). Tried to use $B2/B18*100, but it only works on the first instance. If you could just tell me the name of this feature, I could look it up myself. Thanks
Solved by T. L. in 20 mins
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Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:04
05/07/2018 - 04:04
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:04
It's pleasure to help you today.
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:05
I can see the problem.
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:05
You have to add "$" to both row and column.
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:05
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:05
In this what is the total row? 2 or 18?
05/07/2018 - 04:06
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:06
Ok. in that case, you have fix B18 as follows.
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:06
05/07/2018 - 04:06
oops, should be B18
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:07
Yes. It is the one fixed for all.
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:07
So, you have fix for row 18.
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:07
B is not requird to be fixed. As, the same column you are using for the calculations.
05/07/2018 - 04:09
so, what is the name of this functionality?
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:09
Sorry, i did not get?
05/07/2018 - 04:10
"fixed" is the name of the functionality?
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:10
It is fixed either row or column and is called "Absolute reference"
05/07/2018 - 04:10
Thanks, that will fulfill my question. goodby
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:11
Thank you.
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:11
Have a great day ahead.
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:11
Please visit Got It Pro.
Excelchat Expert
05/07/2018 - 04:13
Please leave a great feedback after ending the session.
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