Excel - IF Function Problem - Expert Solution

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I need a automatic formula that I could use to change or "push" dates forward, for example, if I have a date of 18.06.2018 and I would like to change it to 01.07.2018. The dates are obviously not always the same so it would take me very much time to do all manually and that's why I would need a formula, can you help me with this?
Solved by S. Q. in 16 mins
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User 19/06/2018 - 07:24
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:24
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:24
How are you today?
User 19/06/2018 - 07:25
I'm fine thanks, how about you?'
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:25
I am great, thank you!
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:25
As I read, you want to push dates forward.
User 19/06/2018 - 07:25
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:26
so would there be any criteria to push it forward?
User 19/06/2018 - 07:26
yes the dates always need to be pushed forward to the first date of the next month
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:26
Like any condition you want to relate it to? and if you can share the file, it would be great .
User 19/06/2018 - 07:27
so for example if the date would be 18.06 it should be pushed forward to 01.07
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:27
User 19/06/2018 - 07:27
sorry I can't share the file since it's company policy
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:27
No problem, I understand.
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:27
so let's say, your date is in Column B
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:27
so the result would be in Column C
User 19/06/2018 - 07:28
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:28
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:28
t me send you an excel file with the working formula.
User 19/06/2018 - 07:29
sounds good, are you sending it to my email?
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:29
Here only
User 19/06/2018 - 07:29
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:29
Once it is complete, I will attach it here.
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:29
Give me few minutes
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:32
Here it is
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:33
the formula used is =eomonth(B2,0)+1
User 19/06/2018 - 07:33
thank you looks great
User 19/06/2018 - 07:33
could you quickly explaine how it works
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:33
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:34
=eomonth(B2,0) will give you the last date of the month in Cell B2
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:34
and then I am adding 1 to it to show it the next date i.e. the first date of the next month
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:34
it becomes =eomonth(B2,0)+1
User 19/06/2018 - 07:34
so if I would like it to be 01.01.2018
User 19/06/2018 - 07:34
what would I put in then?
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:35
any date in december
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:35
any date in December 2017
User 19/06/2018 - 07:35
sorry in this case I meant 01.01.2019
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:36
Can you see the preview on the right
User 19/06/2018 - 07:36
oh sorry this is american dates
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:36
the format I have sent is mm/dd/yyyy
User 19/06/2018 - 07:36
yes I got it, sorry
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:36
you want in mm.dd.yyyy
User 19/06/2018 - 07:37
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:37
I can change the format as per your requirement
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:37
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:37
give me a min
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:38
Here it is
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:38
so if you will put month as Feb or 02 it will show the first date of March
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:39
so it will always show the first date of next month.
User 19/06/2018 - 07:39
okay I think this will work!
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:39
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:40
Please do provide a good review and feedback, if you are satisfied with my solution.
User 19/06/2018 - 07:40
tank you very much! I will for sure remember this site
User 19/06/2018 - 07:40
will do!
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:40
Great! Thank you for your time
Excelchat Expert 19/06/2018 - 07:40
great day ahead!
User 19/06/2018 - 07:40
same, by!

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