Excel - INDEX Function Problem - Expert Solution

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I need a formula (maybe Index and Match) to find a value in two different row
Solved by E. C. in 53 mins
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Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 12:47
Hey good day!
User 23/03/2018 - 12:47
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 12:47
Looks like you need to find a data from an array?
User 23/03/2018 - 12:48
User 23/03/2018 - 12:48
I'll write an example in the spreadsheet first
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 12:48
Okay cool
User 23/03/2018 - 12:50
So i would like to find out the data (Data 1 & Data 2) based on Data 3
User 23/03/2018 - 12:51
for example data 3 = 4, data 1 = ?, data 2 = ?
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 12:51
Okay, you need the result in one cell or separate cells?
User 23/03/2018 - 12:51
but the catch is, i want it to be the first two values
User 23/03/2018 - 12:51
just in one cell
User 23/03/2018 - 12:52
Do you get my question?
User 23/03/2018 - 12:53
so i think it should be two different formula..maybe
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 12:53
So we want to get BCC and GDD?
User 23/03/2018 - 12:53
User 23/03/2018 - 12:54
User 23/03/2018 - 12:55
is it possible to do that?
User 23/03/2018 - 12:55
i have tried index and match but it will only return the first answer
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 12:56
I think using vlookup will work but you have to use 2 vlookups
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 12:57
the tricky part is to make it work for the first 2 variables only. It's going to be long but we can add multiple ifs
User 23/03/2018 - 12:58
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:01
I used your formulas and just concatenated
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:02
Where do you want the results to show, in one column?
User 23/03/2018 - 01:03
just in two cells
User 23/03/2018 - 01:03
1st cell is for first result
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:10
I think the getting it to return only the first 2 might not be possible.
User 23/03/2018 - 01:11
but to get the first value of 4 is possible right
User 23/03/2018 - 01:11
i saw the formula that you apply return 1
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:12
Let's try getting it to return the first value of 4. Hang on.
User 23/03/2018 - 01:13
if that is possible that will be good enough
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:14
Try manipulating the data to confirm the formula
User 23/03/2018 - 01:15
i mean i saw you try to return the result to 0 and 1 just now
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:15
Yeah, I was going to use that to get us to return the first 2 values of 4
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:15
But the logic won't work
User 23/03/2018 - 01:16
can we get at least to return the value in the blue cell
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:16
You want to get the value in the same row?
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:17
Okay hang on.
User 23/03/2018 - 01:17
the 0 and 1 logic you apply just now i think it will return 1 to the blue cell
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:18
Yes, the logic was to get 1 for the first 2 values and get it to index only if the value is 1
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:34
This is the only issue, we can't make it to work only on the first 2 values of 4
User 23/03/2018 - 01:35
ok i think this should work
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:35
Okay cool.
User 23/03/2018 - 01:38
thanks for your help
Excelchat Expert 23/03/2018 - 01:38
Anytime. Have a good one! :)

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