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We voted for personnel now I am attempting to rank them with different percentages. Column B is worth 40%, Column C is worth 50%, Column D is worth 10% what formula do I use for each column and for the total column in E?
Solved by S. L. in 27 mins
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Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 04:48
31/01/2018 - 04:48
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 04:48
can you share me the sheet?
31/01/2018 - 04:48
how di I do that
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 04:49
you can add by attachment
[Uploaded an Excel file]
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 04:49
like the screen shot
31/01/2018 - 04:51
I do I get it off my onedrive
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 04:52
31/01/2018 - 04:54
im attempting to share from my onedrive
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 04:54
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 04:54
i can see the shared sheet
31/01/2018 - 04:55
I started typing in this one can we use it
31/01/2018 - 04:55
basically as I asked, I am looking to make column B 40% column and so on of what is titled.
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 04:56
31/01/2018 - 04:56
In the end i need to tal these votse, its just that the votes are weighted
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 04:57
what is the number sugest in cell B2:D6 ?
31/01/2018 - 04:58
these number ma be a decimal as well.
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 04:58
is it score out of 5 ?
31/01/2018 - 04:59
hypothetically in the original document it well be out of 22, basically it is an employee ranking system between 1-22
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:00
can you send me the screen shot of the origional sheet?
31/01/2018 - 05:01
i could probably type the original sheet faster.
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:02
ok can i take this number out of 5 and make the formula?
31/01/2018 - 05:02
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:04
hello can you see the formula?
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:04
in column E ?
31/01/2018 - 05:04
ok that was awesome, so thats the formulas for column E?
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:04
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:05
do you understand this formula?
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:05
31/01/2018 - 05:05
yes for column E, do I have to put the formula in for B, C, or D?
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:06
no need to put formula in B,C and D because i already mentioned in Column E
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:06
if you change the total score from 5 to 22 then you need to replace 5 to 22 in formula =(B2/5*0.4)+(C2/5*0.5)+(D2/5*0.1)
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:07
do you understand?
31/01/2018 - 05:08
Do I have to put this in all of column E?
So do I just drag in column E down 22 rows
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:08
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:08
you have to drag only
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:08
column E
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:09
you can drag and check it that the formula will automatically be inserted
31/01/2018 - 05:09
can you show me that again how you just drag
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:10
i dragged
31/01/2018 - 05:10
I think I got it, apologize for my lack of skills.
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:11
please help me by give rating 5
31/01/2018 - 05:11
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:12
ok bye
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:13
hello are you there?
31/01/2018 - 05:14
yes should I close out
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:14
yes please close the session
31/01/2018 - 05:14
ok one last question, How do I make column E a percentage
Excelchat Expert
31/01/2018 - 05:15
select the column and press the format as %
31/01/2018 - 05:15
thank you
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