Excel - INDEX Function Problem - Expert Solution

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help with INDEX(IndexArea,MATCH($M$5,MatchRows,0),MATCH($M$6,MatchColumns,0))
Solved by Z. Y. in 12 mins
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Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:35
welcome sir
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:35
thank you for selecting got it pro
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:36
plese tell me how can i help you?
User 17/12/2017 - 04:36
can you explain this formula?
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:37
yes sir sure
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:37
INDEX function returns a value in a table based on the intersection of a row and column position within that table
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:38
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:38
The first row in the table is row 1 and the first column in the table is column 1.
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:38
The syntax for the INDEX function INDEX( table, row_number, column_number )
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:39
parameters are as follow
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:39
table is A range of cells that contains the table of data.
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:40
the row number is The row position in the table where the value you want to lookup is located. This is the relative row position in the table and not the actual row number in the worksheet.
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:40
column number is
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:40
The column position in the table where the value you want to lookup is located. This is the relative column position in the table and not the actual column number in the worksheet
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:40
let we see and example is shared worksheet
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:41
i make one table ok?
User 17/12/2017 - 04:41
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:41
now i apply an index function
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:42
in index function as per its syntex
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:42
1) i select the table B2:D4
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:43
then i mentioned the row number as 3 and column number 3
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:43
so it give us the value from the table by row 3 and column 3
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:44
and you can change the values of rows and columns and you will get different outpus
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:44
is it make sence?
User 17/12/2017 - 04:44
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:45
in your function the table is IndexArea
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:45
and the row is MATCH($M$5,MatchRows,0)
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:45
and the column is MATCH($M$6,MatchColumns,0))
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:46
do you konw about the match function?
User 17/12/2017 - 04:46
User 17/12/2017 - 04:46
I understand the function
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:46
can you need more help?
User 17/12/2017 - 04:46
no thanks
Excelchat Expert 17/12/2017 - 04:46
can i close this session?
User 17/12/2017 - 04:46
yes sure

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