Excel - INDEX Function Problem - Expert Solution

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Hi I'm trying to use fuzzy lookup. Not sure how it's working. I have two strings which are different ('Unemployment Benefits' vs 'Invalid pensioner'), yet getting a similarity index of 0.9474.
Solved by E. E. in 40 mins
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Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:51
HI, hope you are doing well today!
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:51
Welcome to Got it Pro!
User 26/03/2018 - 12:51
Hi, thanks!
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:51
Could you let me know how you want the string to be searched?\
User 26/03/2018 - 12:52
I basically have two columns. They are supposed to be the same (but are text strings and have some discrepancies e.g. Other (Manager) vs Other (Managers)
User 26/03/2018 - 12:52
User 26/03/2018 - 12:52
Things like that
User 26/03/2018 - 12:52
So just want to do an approximate match
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:52
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:53
Could you provide some exmaple here?
User 26/03/2018 - 12:53
But not sure how I should adjsut the settings
User 26/03/2018 - 12:53
User 26/03/2018 - 12:53
User 26/03/2018 - 12:53
Column 1 'Other (Professionals)' vs columns 2 'OTHER (PROFESSIONAL)' gives me a similarity index of 0.9843
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:54
not sure what do you mean by index 0.9843
User 26/03/2018 - 12:54
While col1 'Unemployment Benefits' vs col2 'INVALID PENSIONER' gives me similarity 0.9474
User 26/03/2018 - 12:54
Similarity as in the output of the fuzzy lookup
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:54
But the vlookup function should give you the approxiate match criteia
User 26/03/2018 - 12:55
I'm using fuzzy lookup
User 26/03/2018 - 12:55
Is there a way to do approximate matching using just vlookup??
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:55
User 26/03/2018 - 12:55
Ohh could you please tell me how?
User 26/03/2018 - 12:55
User 26/03/2018 - 12:56
Or a link to some resource online?
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:56
VLOOKUP( value, table, index_number, [approximate_match] )
User 26/03/2018 - 12:56
I thought vlookup only gives exact matches
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:56
if you look at 4th parameter, it is showing approciate match
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:57
usually you will choose either 0 or 1 for the 4th parameter, which represent if it is approximate or exactly match
User 26/03/2018 - 12:58
Yes, thought that can't work in this case (from what i googled, it said I need to use fuzzy)
User 26/03/2018 - 12:58
col1 col2 Unemployment Benefits INVALID PENSIONER
User 26/03/2018 - 12:58
SO for the above
User 26/03/2018 - 12:58
If I want to do an if statement
User 26/03/2018 - 12:59
Where if the columns are similar, return a value of 1, else 0
User 26/03/2018 - 12:59
How do I do that?
User 26/03/2018 - 12:59
col1 col2 Unemployment Benefits INVALID PENSIONER Other (Professionals) OTHER (PROFESSIONAL)
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 12:59
iferror(vlookup function here, "1","0")
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:00
iferror give you the flexibility to define what value you want to show if nothing show up
User 26/03/2018 - 01:01
But I want it to match with the value in column 1 from the same row
User 26/03/2018 - 01:01
Not search the entire table
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:02
then, you might need to use If statement rather than vlookup
User 26/03/2018 - 01:02
So you can use if statement for approximate match?
User 26/03/2018 - 01:02
is there a function for that?
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:03
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:04
If(certain cell= "*this is the string*",0,1)
User 26/03/2018 - 01:04
but thats an exact match right
User 26/03/2018 - 01:04
not approx
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:05
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:05
that is wildcard search
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:05
since we include " * " sign inside
User 26/03/2018 - 01:05
Oh you have the *
User 26/03/2018 - 01:05
sorry didn't notice
User 26/03/2018 - 01:05
So you're saying where you have "*this is the string"
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:05
Yep. That will do the work for you
User 26/03/2018 - 01:06
can substitute col1 in there?
User 26/03/2018 - 01:06
So I don't actually have to type out the string each time
User 26/03/2018 - 01:06
But add cell reference?
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:06
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:06
That should work as well
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:07
Please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions. Otherwise, you can end the session at anytime :-)
User 26/03/2018 - 01:07
haha that didn't work
User 26/03/2018 - 01:08
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:08
the string section will need you to actually type in the portion you want to search for
User 26/03/2018 - 01:08
That's what I used
User 26/03/2018 - 01:08
Oh so I can't use a cell reference
User 26/03/2018 - 01:08
That's why I was using fuzzy lookup
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:08
All the character inside "" means the actual string you are looking for
User 26/03/2018 - 01:08
Because I can't manually type in the string for 50,000 records
User 26/03/2018 - 01:09
I want it to match with the other column
User 26/03/2018 - 01:09
Which will be different for each observation.
User 26/03/2018 - 01:09
TOo many records to manually enter strings in each row
User 26/03/2018 - 01:09
So could we go back to fuzzy lookup then?
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:13
I'm not sure where I can find the fuzzy lookup function in excel, but the if statement should just do the work if you are only search for one string that on the same row
User 26/03/2018 - 01:13
fuzzy is an add on
User 26/03/2018 - 01:13
o if doesnt work
User 26/03/2018 - 01:13
User 26/03/2018 - 01:14
i dont want to manually type in a string...
User 26/03/2018 - 01:15
col 1 Manager col2 Managers
User 26/03/2018 - 01:15
i want a third column to tell me how similar they are
User 26/03/2018 - 01:15
for about 30,000 rows
User 26/03/2018 - 01:16
each row with different strings being compared
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:16
User 26/03/2018 - 01:16
but thats not an approx match
User 26/03/2018 - 01:17
For my above example where the second column has managers with an S
User 26/03/2018 - 01:17
It will say the two columns don't match
User 26/03/2018 - 01:17
But they are very similar
User 26/03/2018 - 01:17
So I want it to show they do match approximately
User 26/03/2018 - 01:17
That way I can see the true mismatches
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:17
I dont think there is anyway to do this unless you define very strict what you are comparing with
User 26/03/2018 - 01:18
User 26/03/2018 - 01:18
That's why fuzzy lookup is used
User 26/03/2018 - 01:18
And I just wanted some help understanding it
User 26/03/2018 - 01:18
But if you're not aware of it then that's ok
User 26/03/2018 - 01:18
Thanks for your time
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:19
You think you can definitely search for some online content and some material should be avialable then
Excelchat Expert 26/03/2018 - 01:19

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