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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Hi! I have a slightly strange request and it’s been a long time since I’ve really got deep into Excel formulae. Although this is specifically for Google Sheets so hopefully it’s possible on that too. So I have a list of people and dates that will be added to from time to time. Once a persons name has appeared 3+ times it will appear in another sheet and has to be at the bottom of that sheet. I’ve done this using Pivot Tables but that auto sorts alpabetially. It’s essential once someone has completed three courses that their name appears at the bottom. Hope this makes sense!
Solved by X. W. in 22 mins
How do I create a Pivot tables in Excel and are there any free tutorials
Solved by M. U. in 29 mins
I have a database with 25k lines and I'm looking to retrieve info to a template. I have used pivot tables to single out the specific info I want. I want to know if I can then take info from the pivot table to the template
Solved by Z. B. in 28 mins
I need someone to help me with ms excel pivot table. There will be an excel attachment with data that I need someone to help me complete asap.
Solved by T. E. in 20 mins
Hello, I am looking for help on some pivot tables. Is someone able to assist?
Solved by G. H. in 21 mins
To analyze the data with Microsoft Excel software for several sub tasks below: 1.1 Count the number of Product Family for PF12 (using COUNTIF formula). 1.2 Display the name of the customer who most frequently complained (using INDEX formula with other possible formulas). 1.3 List all complaint types raised by the customer identified in the task 1.2 (using VLOOKUP formula with other possible formulas). 1.4 Establish four pivot tables in a new sheet called “Executive Summary” for the Customer
Solved by A. B. in 28 mins
Hello, I need some help with pivot tables. Would someone be willing to assist?
Solved by T. J. in 12 mins
I have a table with numerous similar entries (about 20k worth). Some of them contain typos, i.e. the correct spelling is Pizza, but some cells would contain Pizzzza or piza, etc. Is there a way to quickly and efficiently edit those, maybe through the use of pivot tables?
Solved by M. H. in 20 mins
I have a workbook with multiple sheets each containing pivot tables. I need to summarize the totals for each description/model number on a new sheet.
Solved by O. L. in 22 mins
I need to summarize data from pivot tables on different sheets within a workbook.
Solved by K. D. in 20 mins