I am currently trying to make a line graph based on a pivot table of data. I have two main issues:
1) Currently, my x-axis is Date, and it extends from January to December, just the months, no corresponding year. However, my data spans from September 2016 to December 2017, and so data points for the Fall, say, Oct 2016 and Oct 2017 are overlapping each other over the "October" tab on the x-axis. I want an X-axis that spans from September 2016 to December 2017.
2) I made two pivot tables from this data set: one for averages, and one for standard deviations. I want to figure out how to make a line graph from both so that I plot the value averages (as desired in Problem #1) and have corresponding standard deviation error bars for each data point.
Solved by A. H. in 15 mins