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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I would like to make overlappen grpahs for e.g. years with pivot tables
Solved by G. H. in 25 mins
I want to do grouping in pivot tables but it does not seem to work the way I want it
Solved by T. Y. in 11 mins
I would like to make better graphs with pivot tables
Solved by Z. Y. in 23 mins
I am making a dashboard in excel with multiple pivot tables and slicers and would like to know how the tables and graphs can automatically extend without overlapping
Solved by A. L. in 30 mins
I am making a dashboard in excel with multiple pivot tables and slicers and would like to know how the tables and graphs can automatically extend without overlapping. Moreover I'm making charts/graphs with no default settings which I would like to save as templates but I don't know how to make them remain or extend when selecting other things in the slicers.
Solved by T. B. in 13 mins
How do I use IRR in excel and make pivot tables. Thanks,
Solved by T. W. in 18 mins
I need my pivot table on the "Pivot Tables - Sports" page to return the count of the number of teams in each league. Refer to the sheet "Teams" for the pertaining data. Essentially since I entered the data in multiple lines, it counts a single team for the amount of times entered. Please fix so each team holds a value of 1 in the pivot table column "count of team"
Solved by G. J. in 21 mins
have a problem with pivot tables and bar chart in my project, I think I have done the pivot tables correctly along with the bar chart completed my worksheet
Solved by Z. Q. in 18 mins
I am building a KPI dashboard and I need to calculate the weekly, monthly, quarterly sales based on data that refreshes every one minute. I have tables and pivot tables for my data. But I am unable to conditional format the data to get the required numbers. Please help me
Solved by T. J. in 12 mins
Need help with pivot tables in doing columns and rows
Solved by X. J. in 11 mins