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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I want to build a dynamic chart. Using values in column H (X-axis) and column J (Y-axis). I want the chart to contain 6 different series. And that the chart updates automatically the values of each of my 6 specific series. I built an example of the chart I want in this worksheet. I simply want to make this chart, to be dynamic. I tried building the chart using Name Manager. And using the Offset and Countif function. But this won't work.
Solved by V. U. in 27 mins
I need to know what formulas can combine info from Tabs 1 & 2 into a new tab (Tab 3), based on column D. Tab 1 is a list of group members, Tab 2 is a list of group leaders. The members should have lines created in Tab 3 for every leader with the same column D value. Each line should combine the member's and the leader's info. I used COUNTIF to count how many leaders are in each group, but I'm not sure where to go from there!
Solved by Z. W. in 19 mins
3.Using the range named TechCode , creat sumif excel formulas in these cells: I9: Count the number of cells made by technician 1. I10: Count the number of cells made by technician 2. I11: Count the number of cells made by technician 3. 4. in cell I14, crreate a COUNTIFS formula to count the number of calls made by technician 3 for which the hours logged were greater than three. Use range names ( TechCode and Hours) were possible. 5. Using the ranges named TechCode and LaborCost, create SUMIF formulas in these cells: I9: Add the labor cost for calls made by technician 1. I10: Add the labor cost for calls made by technician 2.
Solved by I. Y. in 21 mins
I have a column with letters in it that are variable as they come from another sheet and it gives me types in a certain category but subject to change. =LOOKUP(2, 1/((COUNTIF($C$2:C2, Sheet1!$D$2:$D$43)=0)*(Sheet1!$P$5=Sheet1!$J$2:$J$43)), Sheet1!$D$2:$D$43) There are certain combinations of types I do not want in each column as they create a conflict. So if somehow a column has an B and a MC in it, (limited column, 8 cells in column)How do I get it to highlight. I have multiple combinations that can not be in the same row. Also certain duplicates as well.
Solved by B. J. in 14 mins
Hey Guys, I have a problem. In my database, i have several injuries mentioned (eg.: head,half-head, nose, finger, hand, torso...), all injuries are written down in one cell. Most of the time, the medical personal writes down all parts of the body mentioned. I wand to find out, how many injuries in a special group of injuries have been attended within this year. Group 1: head, nose, eyes... Group 2: hand, finger, arm... With countif and sumproduct i only get the number per injury. How can i avoid double-counting? E.g. there are 25 injuries on half-head and 31 on head. (6 whole head + 25 half-head)... Thanks in advance!
Solved by C. B. in 30 mins
1. Complete the summary information using formulas, and format as shown in Figure 2 below. You must use conditional aggregate functions (COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF, SUMIF) as appropriate in this table. Note: Do not average a set of averages – this produces rounding errors. Use the original data table for overall average.
Solved by O. L. in 13 mins
I'm counting my cars sales I have a countif to show new vs used. I would like to count new vs used by month
Solved by D. A. in 23 mins
Trying to count the number of rows that have values in them. This should be a simple COUNTIF statement that I'm having trouble with
Solved by E. L. in 23 mins
I need a countif in excel that can help me see how many days an item we have ordered was on site (by serial number) until it was shipped out.
Solved by E. A. in 16 mins
I need a formula to see how many patients have had more than 2 vent days The formula I originally came up with is (all vent pts tab for reference ) =IF(COUNTIF(‘allventpts’!C:C,5)>2,"yes","no") however I am stuck and getting a VALUE error so I am certain I'm missing something or doing something completely wrong. This is being compared with the HAR numbers. *** I also need help with the 1 med and 1 code (medication and diagnosis code tabs) column filled along with the risk factors column filled (risk factor tab). This is an assignment i was given. I understand if you can only do one question at a time its asking a lot
Solved by M. J. in 28 mins