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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

The =IF(COUNTIF(A$1:A151,A151)>1,"Duplicate","") is not working correctly please assist.
Solved by V. L. in 17 mins
A B C AD 7906 AM AM 5235 ZQ AD 2556 AC Here is the logic, first IF Bx = 7906, that should return "Yes", but also, IF Bx is 5235 and Cx matches Ax then it should also return "Yes". I'm using COUNTIF() to test if the content of Ax matches any of the items of column C This is where I am so far =IF(AND(B2="7906",OR(COUNTIF($C$2:$C$4,A2),B2="5235")),"Yes","No") The result is always "No" NO MATTER WHAT I TRY. :-(
Solved by F. C. in 14 mins
I need to use only a countif(s) and sumif(s) to compute the companies of those customers that made the top 3 number of purchases. This is for a project and I am not clear on how to do this correctly.
Solved by V. Y. in 28 mins
Is there a way to re-write the an IF(CountIF formula so that it works when a Linked fie is not open. e.g change it to a Sum Product?
Solved by Z. A. in 14 mins
I want to know if Excel can read through a summary and count how many times a word is used. I'm using a COUNTIF function that I can't get to work
Solved by T. S. in 26 mins
Countif problem error. The ranking formula in 'back-end" tab doesnt seems to work
Solved by D. H. in 15 mins
I'm familiar with data analysis functions (countif, average, sumif, etc.). I need a system that allows me to analyze data from the aggregate to the disaggregated forms, without having to sort the data and break it into separate sheets based on the criteria for disaggregation.
Solved by Z. J. in 17 mins
I need a COUNTIF equation in cell B13 that will count all of the acceptable hole positioning results
Solved by T. S. in 26 mins
I am using a countif formula =COUNTIF(T3:T873,W3), however I need to drag it down so I get =COUNTIF(T3:T873,W4) , =COUNTIF(T3:T873,W5) ect. However, when I do this the range changes as well so its goes to =COUNTIF(T4:T874,W4) =COUNTIF(T5:T875,W3) and so on. How do I keep the range constant and only change the criteria?
Solved by X. F. in 13 mins
Hello, I'm trying to use Match,Index, and Countif where I have duplicate numbers in the column. I have example sheets to show.
Solved by Z. U. in 14 mins