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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

need a formula to extract data from any with same format excel (vlookup?)
Solved by F. A. in 17 mins
Hi, I am trying to make a control sheet where I can have all the data from data sheet into a quotation with a single vlookup lookup value but it seems every time when I apply vlookup can only bring the first value? can someone help it out? Thanks.
Solved by O. U. in 24 mins
Hi I need help with this file. I am looking for our top selling items by Item description. We have the same item listed multiple times with different item codes. Some item codes indicate more than one quantity such as a case pack of 12. What is the most effiecient way to get an accurate quantity of the same item. We really only have about 70 real sku's, but as you can see this sheet shows about 400+. I tried VLookup, but am not really getting much help. I have created an item mapping sheet attactched in a tab.
Solved by F. Q. in 21 mins
can you explain why in the sales worksheet, vlookup function in column E range lookup is 0 while in column H the range lookup is true. what's the difference?
Solved by X. D. in 22 mins
can u help me to solve the vlookup function for unit price before markup column? =vlookup(D2...?
Solved by E. B. in 24 mins
I have written a formula combining one if statement and on if and statement, with each criteria consulting a vlookup table. My issue is when there is no value in the logical test field the value returned is the first 'value if true' result when I would like it to return n/a instead. =IF(J47<=VLOOKUP($E47,REGIONAL_Times,10),"Regional",IF(AND(J47>VLOOKUP($E47,REGIONAL_Times,10),J47<=VLOOKUP($E47,COUNTY_Times,10)),"County","N/a"))
Solved by V. J. in 20 mins
I am trying to vlookup from one sheet to another when the source does not exactly match
Solved by G. J. in 29 mins
I have a VLOOKUP that I would like to discount the price by 15% IF the information in another column is either A or B out of the option A B or C
Solved by Z. Y. in 15 mins
vlookup help needed please help me i am speniding time
Solved by V. C. in 24 mins
the vlookup function is not working properly and is returning wrong values when i am searching from an another file
Solved by A. Y. in 22 mins