This is somewhat complicated and I understand if it's a bit out of the realm of online assistance but... In simple terms I am trying to have a series of drop down lists in Column A for eg. A1-A5 "Tiles", which upon selection in term populates a series of cells in column B with data lists from other sheets eg. B1 "Name" B2 "Code" B3 "Size" etc.. This then prompts the user to manually fill out column C. They are all text based cells. I have managed to get a working system for one set however my issue comes when I want to drag down multiple versions of column B - the references to Column A and the data it is drawing from break as they are following down the data sets to match and eventually run of out reference cells, when actually I want to re-set the reference to the top of the data list for each new Column A category. I hope that somewhat makes sense!?
Solved by V. W. in 22 mins