Yesterday I had an issue with a spreadsheet and was kindly given the formula below
This found latest value under current month.
I am now trying to do something the other way around.
I need to copy a value and place it in current month
In summary
A5:A16 are months Jan through to Dec
B5:B16 are where the copied values are placed
B21 is where latest value is entered
Example if it is Month Sept, I need the value from B21 copied to month April, which is B13; similarly if it is month October, I need the value to go in B14.
The figures in B21 will change each month, but the copied amount that went to B13 or B14 need to remain.
Something on lines of
In English <if its the current month, grab the figure in Cell B21, if not do nothing>
But there is an error in my logic
Hope that makes sense
Appreciate any help, Thanks
Solved by A. D. in 19 mins