Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
Is there a way to re-write the an IF(CountIF formula so that it works when a Linked fie is not open. e.g change it to a Sum Product?
Solved by Z. A. in 14 mins
1st formula - I would like to create a formula that analyzes a table of data, all rows with value in column C = Yes, sum column E
Solved by G. Y. in 13 mins
Please help me understand the function. =IF(C$2+$A3<=60,SUM(INDIRECT(BM$2&ROW()&":"&CELL("address",OFFSET(C3,0,$A3-1)))),""). I don't get the SUM(INDIRECT(BM$2&ROW()&":"&CELL("address",OFFSET(C3,0,$A3-1)))) Part
Solved by X. J. in 23 mins
I would need a sumif excel function which would sum between 2 string in the column or starting from a string and sum until the result cell is reached.
Solved by B. J. in 29 mins
I need a vba script to calculate a sum of filtered column value based on date and paste the sum in another workbook under a specified cell value.
Solved by C. C. in 16 mins
i need to sum the aplha numeric figures as below in excel coulmn
if i putted figures as:
10 Ton
08 Ton
01 Heat
Solved by K. H. in 27 mins
i need to create a formula to sum each individual row in the first column
Solved by K. A. in 28 mins
I am trying to create an inventory sheet (balance sheet) for two seperate locations (each location has a tab (RIDS & VISTA)). I want the running total to display on the MASTER sheet.
I have set up a start, but can't figure out how to show only the current balance for each location - not the sum total
Solved by O. E. in 19 mins
I need a formula to sum a range of cells in Column "E" based on text in Column "B" "Total" . The range of cells to copy is in Column "D"
B22= "Total"
D22= SUM(D18:D21) to copy
E22=SUM(E18:E21) to add
It is important to note that the range of cells in column "D" and "E" vary in each grouping.
Solved by A. J. in 13 mins
I have a table of ALL employee transactions. In the first column is the employee name. In the second column is the transaction amount.
I have a second table with employee names organized by shift. The first column header is "Morning Shift" and below it is a list of the morning shift employee names. The second column header is "Evening Shift" and below it is a list of the evening shift employee names.
I want a formula that will sum all of the transactions by morning shift employees.
Please help