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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need a formula to carry forward sum into another cell which already has value
Solved by G. H. in 28 mins
I want an excel sheet where it add all value from A1 to A10 and the result in A11,then if sum is less than 100 it should be red and if between 101 and 200 it should be yellow and if greater than 200 it should be green
Solved by X. J. in 27 mins
I need to sum how many individuals are at a particular level in a number of locations
Solved by Z. C. in 15 mins
I need a formula that allows a sum total of any cells that have a certain code in the cell next to them to tally at the bottom of the sheet. In other words, I have 2 codes DC & BS and when they get entered in column A the number in column C has to total at the bottom of the column based on the code in column A.
Solved by O. A. in 13 mins
I need help with a data analysis practice test spreadsheet. I have 6 problems to solve and I'm looking for help to learn how to solve them in the most effective way. I have worksheets of data showing energy generation from a solar farm and I must preform tasks with the data. The tasks include: - Calculate sum of energy per day - Calculate operating hours - Convert 1 minute data into 5 minute data and then into 15 minute data - Calculate the availability of inverters - Calculate energy total from each inverter Thank you for your help.
Solved by X. C. in 28 mins
Changing quantitative values into text (created separate text sheet which was melded with data sheet using IF formula into 3rd sheet that now includes 0 values as well as transformed text. Now I need to remove all zeros to sum columns into one text result. Need to make the zero removal automatic going forward. If there was a way to use IF formulas to substitute text for numbers without creating 0's for those columns that didn't have a corresponding number value, that would be ideal. Can you help?
Solved by K. B. in 15 mins
Hi I am getting issue in excel 2013 in which any thing i sum oe add its answer showing "0" or "-" i cant fix it
Solved by I. C. in 11 mins
I need to create a formula that will avg of the sum of two dates. Groups sheet Column U-T=# avg of the sum of that number
Solved by I. J. in 16 mins
I need to create a formula that will Calculate the sum of the avg of column T-I.
Solved by F. J. in 15 mins
I want a SUMPRODUCT() function to be used to sum the total of a range of rows between two dates.
Solved by X. L. in 13 mins