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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

how do I include multiple choices from a drop down list in pivot table (even though there is no data yet for all choices.
Solved by E. Y. in 16 mins
How to do excel sort pivot table based on the "Value" tab? Thank you.
Solved by G. W. in 29 mins
I need my pivot table to calculate - not a sum - but the number of days between the earliest and latest for a cagegory. Not sure how to do that. My name is PivotRookie.
Solved by M. L. in 20 mins
hi there, When I click on Pivot Table>Analyse> Refresh All in the "Results"sheet of the workbook, I need to click on the Refresh All button several times for all the pivot tables to be updated within the workbook. Can you please show me a way that only one click is needed to refresh all pivot tables?
Solved by V. B. in 26 mins
Simple one How to create a % diff in pivot table excel where pivot Col A ,Col B, Col C = B/A Thank you
Solved by T. L. in 22 mins
Hi, I need to build pivot table filter from database and need it to updated automatic
Solved by I. E. in 19 mins
I am trying to do a pv table to SUM column E by ACCOUNT column B
Solved by B. E. in 13 mins
Col A is a customer name. Col B thru L is quantity they bought. There is also a pivot table filter of year (total 3 years) I would like a way of showing, in all three years combined, how many customers bought 1 item, 2 items, 3 items, etc, by looking at the number of columns that have a value. So for example, the first 3 customers bought 1 item each, the fourth bought 2 items. Please display graphically.
Solved by K. B. in 29 mins
I'm trying to create a Pivot Table in Excel but when I add my second row of data it gets nested underneath the values in my first row, rather then added as another row...what should I do?
Solved by D. B. in 21 mins
I need a pivot table tutorial. Can you help me with that?
Solved by D. Q. in 28 mins