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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I am having trouble using Index Match. I have names in column A and dates in row one and am referencing columns in another sheet. I want to return a value also in the other sheet and keep getting ref errors
Solved by I. J. in 17 mins
How do I return a specific value if vlookup (or index match) contains multiple values?
Solved by D. E. in 13 mins
using index match but need to do match for two conditions from two different ranges. can you help me out
Solved by I. L. in 15 mins
I have a table with ID's and Names etc in a sheet and I have another sheet in which I need to enter data using the information in the table in the first sheet, like first name and last name, currency, pay rate etc etc. I am trying to use to Vlookup and Index Match functions but either I get an error or the cell just displays the formula and not the result .
Solved by M. D. in 29 mins
I need a formula help on index match, sum if
Solved by O. S. in 11 mins
I have a SUMIFS, INDEX Match multi column problem
Solved by C. B. in 22 mins
I am trying to use index match function to pull data on multiple criteria on two excel tabs but im unable to do so. Please help?
Solved by E. Y. in 16 mins
Stuck on an Index Match formula, need to match 2 criteria
Solved by D. B. in 30 mins
I need to specify a range using row and column criteria and calculate the average. The categories of interest are repeated across multiple rows and columns and i need all of the values falling within the range in my calculation. Thought this might be an index match problem...? Thanks in advance
Solved by K. U. in 19 mins
I need to upload two files. Macquarie Recasted EBITDA is the OUTPUT file. The INPUT files are monthly .csv format income statements. I want to write an index match function to link from the OUTPUT file to all of the INPUT files and grab values that match based on single criteria.
Solved by F. F. in 11 mins