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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Hi, I have a problem with Pivot tables, I have created a pivot table that should count the occurrences of different things per month per country. Say This is when we hire new employees in each month and when they leave for example. So we have each month as a column in 2018 and then as rows we have country and inside each country 2 rows "count of starting employees per month" and "count of leaving employees per month". These 2 rows seem to confuse the pivot table and it only gives accurate values for one of the rows, the other just follows the same values. hard to explain without uploading a pic.
Solved by G. Y. in 13 mins
hi need a formula to count the number of days on a particular month based on the two cells which will have the month and year. the answer has to be cumulative. eg: if i put 2018 in one cell and November in the other cell the answer should be 17 as that's the days completed.if i put 2017 and december it should say 31. the monthly sales on the sheet has to be divided by this answer to get a daily avarage for each month
Solved by I. Q. in 29 mins
What does a correct formula for count look like? what does a correct formula for vlookup ;ool like?
Solved by C. F. in 21 mins
I have an excel document that has one sheet that is formulated to pull student names from the other sheet. If the student scores do not add up to be greater than the value, it won't list there names and will, instead, leave it blank. I want to create a column that counts any cell that has a student name and is not blank, but I can't do a countif formula because every cell has a formula in it. How do I get it to count only the cells that display names and not the formula?
Solved by C. C. in 15 mins
I am new to the excel. what is the difference between count and countA
Solved by E. A. in 17 mins
I would like to create a formula that will count the number of weeks it takes each Account to reach the Contracted Volume. The formula should not count weeks that are before the Current Contract Start Week, listed in column F. Contracted Volume is Column E Columns G:AX are the amount of messages processed per week The formula should go in Column A under TTV
Solved by C. S. in 30 mins
I want to use the COUNTIF function for a cell that contains more than 1 number for example i want to count how many number 1's there are in a selected data set, but some of my cells contain more than two numbers such as "1,4" if it is like this the countif function does not count it as containing the number 1, is there any way around this
Solved by A. J. in 22 mins
I need help building a countif formula, the formula needs to count how many inputs within a certain range =<3 (e.g. =COUNTIF(C75:BJ75,"<3")) and also needs to add 2 to this value every time there is the number 12 present in this range
Solved by S. A. in 20 mins
I need a formula to count data from one column if the criteria in another column matches the required field. e.g count the 1's in column B if column A = X
Solved by S. F. in 16 mins
I need the formula to check criteria in column A then column Q for range Q2 to Q200 and return with count
Solved by S. J. in 24 mins