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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I am creating a timesheet. I need to count the number of times a category shows up by using the countif formula. The categories I am having trouble for, example are formatted like this: "Research:Haiti", and the other one word categories are fine. Except the only one it counts in this format is one category labeled "Research:Gateway" category, so I don't believe the format of the category is the issue. Please help!
Solved by G. J. in 13 mins
I have 3 columns that are able to have a default number "999". Some rows may have "999" once, or in all 3 columns. I need to count the number of times "999" is used, but only want it to count once per row regardless if it is in that row one time or three times.
Solved by K. H. in 17 mins
i want to count the number of cells in a row with a particular value, eg how many cells have 19.
Solved by F. L. in 30 mins
I have a problem regarding to How to Use the Count Function in Excel
Solved by B. U. in 27 mins
My count if is always and error _ I need help
Solved by E. W. in 26 mins
My customer list has sub-offices in multiple states; how can I set up a formula to count all the states in which customers have offices?
Solved by D. E. in 13 mins
I need to count the most frequently lended in states, per lender (ref: Lender Loan Tape Summary, cell B4), for #1-3 most frequently lended states. (cells G9:G11 of "Lender Loan Tape Summary" tab)
Solved by F. S. in 29 mins
I need to solve for # of construction holdbacks, per lender (ref: B4, "Lender Loan Tape Summary" tab). Essentially, I need a count of each construction holdback (column N of "Historical Loan Tapes" tab) per lender referenced
Solved by E. S. in 23 mins
Hi, I have linked two tables in Excel Power Pivot with text values and want to collect an another text value from one of the tables. It does not work and I got the following translated message "An individual value for the test2 column in the WBS Explanation table can not be determined. This can happen when a metric formula refers to a column containing multiple values without specifying an aggregation like min, max, count or sum to get an individual result." If I collect a numeric value instead of text value it works. Please help with a solution.
Solved by Z. Y. in 25 mins
Hi, I have linked two tables in Excel Power Pivot with text values and want to collect an another text value from one of the tables. It does not work and I got the following translated message "An individual value for the test2 column in the WBS Explanation table can not be determined. This can happen when a metric formula refers to a column containing multiple values without specifying an aggregation like min, max, count or sum to get an individual result." If I collect a numeric value from the same table instead of text value it works. Please help with a solution.
Solved by F. Q. in 22 mins