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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Hi, I've got 2 columns in Excel. The first has the quantity of an item in stock, the second has the quantity needed for a job. For the second collum, I have conditional formatting so that if the number required is greater than the stock, the cell turns red. And if it is ok (so between 1 & number in stock) then it turns green. Is there a way to copy the conditional formatting to all the other items? At the moment, (using both copy/paste, and the copy formatting brush) it copies the conditional formatting, but references it to the copied item's stock, rather than applying it to the new item's stock.
Solved by X. W. in 17 mins
I would like to create a conditional formatting so i can easily check if the buyer was already paid or not, i want to make it fill by a color everytime I type pd. Currently I am doing it manually.
Solved by O. C. in 21 mins
I have a list of price and I would like to fill a color for the corresponding amount $100 - $199 - Green $200 - $299 - yellow $300 - $399 - orange $400 - $499 - red $500 - gray is there's a way it was automatically fill if the amount was entered? I believe it was conditional formatting but I don't know how to use it.
Solved by F. H. in 19 mins
. Cross reference “Internet user and pop. Table” with the countries on the list of tech ready countries in the “Tech Readiness 2016” worksheet. Highlight all of the countries that are in both lists on the “Internet user and pop. Table” in any shade of orange. You can use conditional formatting to complete Step 7. The cross-referencing can be done automatically so that only countries that appear in both tables are highlighted in the ‘Internet user and pop. table’ worksheet. If you correctly complete this step using conditional formatting an additional 10 points will be awarded to your exam score.
Solved by S. E. in 26 mins
Can you help me to create a conditional formatting on a single cell? like for an example if the average was 95% and above value would be on green & if 95% below up to 70% is should be on red and if 70% below it should be on fill in blue?
Solved by M. Y. in 21 mins
I have a question about Conditional Formatting. =IF('Sheet1'!A1="X",IF('Sheet1'!B1="Y", TRUE, FALSE),FALSE) the set the cell background to red. I would like to make it so that if Sheet1'!B1="Z" I set the back to blue. How can I achieve this.
Solved by B. F. in 23 mins
I am trying to use conditional formulas on the answers to a formula. However, if I apply the conditional format rule to a cell, it seems to reference the formula itself and not the answer to the formula. For example, if I type '160%' into the cell, the conditional formatting works, but if I put in a formula that has the result ''160%', the conditional formatting does not work.
Solved by T. H. in 22 mins
I need help with conditional formatting, sheet GROUP SALES MANAGEMENT, if statues is CANCELLED or NOT RESERVED i need column A-G to have the background white
Solved by C. A. in 30 mins
I have a formula in a cell & I have done conditional formatting to that cell. There is no data in the particular cell, as per the conditional formatting I have set if there is no data in a cell it should show blank but it is showing as "0" with a different color.
Solved by V. Q. in 21 mins
I would like to use conditional formatting on a cell when the value of the cell increases or decreases from the original value in that cell and color code it if it goes up green or down red? Can this be done?
Solved by C. B. in 29 mins