I am using Excel 2011. One 'column' of cells I created in my spreadsheet contains text that is 'wrapped' anywhere between 1 to 10 lines. The data in all cells is displayed in the worksheet as entered. But, some of the cells, not all, display in 'print preview' and on the 'printout' only a portion of the data in a format I selected. (ie: six lines of text in one cell appear as two and are cut-off to the right in preview and on the printout - while another cell containing ten lines of text previews and prints correctly) The format for all these cells is 'exactly' the same. I have changed font styles/sizes, column width/height, page layout, etc, etc, and the results are always the same. Please tell me what I need to do to correct this problem.
EXAMPLE: Cell "C-7" contains 6 lines of text. But, only 2 (partial) lines of text appear in the 'print preview' window and on the 'printout'.
Solved by O. H. in 25 mins