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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

how do I do the following 2/1/2018 5:45pm sepearte date and time
Solved by T. D. in 23 mins
Write an HLOOKUP function that will output the correct Net Profit for whichever date is selected in cell H11. Table array is C5:H8 Expert_777
Solved by D. H. in 24 mins
Add a PivotChart for this PivotTable, placing it in a Pie Chart format below the PivotTable and Slicer. Add data labels to show total dollars and cents for these five Customers.
Solved by K. C. in 27 mins
I would need a formula that puts specific text in a cell when a specific text shows in cell across different worksheets.
Solved by C. C. in 17 mins
I need to find the actual time for the movie that is playing in the chart provided
Solved by T. Y. in 18 mins
I have a results list from a race where the athletes have points. Some have the same amount of points. I need to give them places... 1, 2, 3 and so forth. But for every athlete that has the same number of points as another I want to give them the same place. How can I do this automaticly?
Solved by X. S. in 17 mins
I create schedules in excel, which involve multiple contractors. I am looking to email certain cells to certain contractors. Is that possible? I do not want to email the whole schedule to everyone as there is info that doesn't pertain to their trade.
Solved by V. Y. in 29 mins
I have an array of data with values increasing to the right and increasing down. I want to bound the data within a certain boundary limit (setting all cells out of the boundary = zero). The issue is that this boundary is not a rectangular boundary (which would enforce upper and lower limits to the horizontal and vertical axis. Instead, the boundary is a somewhat complex shape. This shape I have defined in a different spreadsheet with data points that make up the shape. So I have two columns that represent the data points that create this boundary shape. I need to somehow use this data to bound the array to these limits.
Solved by D. D. in 27 mins
I have a protected Excel worksheet, and I need to unprotect a few particular cells, but keep everything else protected. When I highlight the cells I want to unlock, the Format Cells option is greyed out so I can't select it. Please advise, thank you!
Solved by V. H. in 28 mins
I have some data in excel . I have different data collection in different rows separated by different color RED , GREEN and Yellow . Can I use Pie chart to see how much rows are in RED color , how much rows are in YELLOW color , how much rows are in GREEN color and the remaining rows of data with no color selection…!!!
Solved by B. W. in 24 mins