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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I am referencing another cell in a sheet but it completely changes the value of the cell
Solved by F. J. in 25 mins
I am having a Run-time error '13' Type mismatch issue with my VBA code.
Solved by E. J. in 22 mins
I have a document that I use for bills and when a bill is paid we put an x in the cell showing that it has been paid. I am looking for a way to have a separate place on the sheet to add up all the totals of each bill but when I put an x in the cell that has been paid I want it to remove it from the equation for example, say rent is $500(a1), power is $50(a2) and water is $50(a3) I would put in the cell =a1+a2+a3 and in that cell it would tell me $600 but where I'm stuck is if I put an (X) in b2 under power saying its paid I want the $50 to be removed from the final equation making it $550
Solved by T. Q. in 22 mins
I cannot get an IF formula that references 2 cells whether they are < or > than each other. I have written this but it does not work. =IF('Sheet 1'!F13<='Sheet 1'!G13,'Sheet 1'!F13),('Sheet 1'!F13>='Sheet 1'!G13,'Sheet 1'!G13 Can you please help me.
Solved by D. S. in 13 mins
SUM FUNCTION QUESTION At the bottom of Column D, I have a SUM function that is adding all the MMULT results in column F to find a total cost of all items. However, if I don't need an item, #VALUE! is left in column F of that row. With these #VALUE!'s, My sum function won't calculate. Is there a way that I can set the SUM function to automatically detect and ONLY add together info from cells that have a numerical value? This is a template sheet, so every person that uses it will be inputting information into different rows based on the project
Solved by T. Q. in 21 mins
how to (steps) send email blast from excel. How to send to each name without sending all names to every name on list,
Solved by V. U. in 18 mins
like a formula to multiply when i insert a number. Example when i enter 10 in a cell, would like that same cell to multiply by 1.1. So if i enter 10 in a cell the number that generates in the cell would be 11
Solved by B. C. in 26 mins
Hi so my question is when I link the radio button to a cell and then hide the row the radio button is located in, and then unhide the row after, the radio button is no longer checked, how do I keep the radio button from changing?
Solved by E. H. in 21 mins
Hi there im struggling to plot 2 line graphs on the same graph
Solved by K. L. in 27 mins
i need a formula to check rebar estimation quick and smart so to improve my job nature
Solved by S. B. in 15 mins