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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

Trying to get a list of names in one column match to the larger list of names in the next column and then delete all other content.
Solved by C. A. in 30 mins
i need to do an RFM analysis find the frequency of customers transactions, find the recency and the total money each customer spent so i can put it in a point system
Solved by I. Y. in 26 mins
Hi I would like to find a formula to provide list of separate different items from 1 cell when they are only separated by /
Solved by X. D. in 25 mins
Starting in Cell N1, run an advanced data filter that will filter out the Employee # and Total Sales for the employees found in the Computer Department. Create your criteria Range starting in cell G1
Solved by I. E. in 23 mins
i need macro for numbering inside cells to name per each group. when i insert new names the numbering will updated automatically.
Solved by Z. H. in 12 mins
Add a formula to cell G4 that creates a Report ID from the date and the ID number on the ListData worksheet of the person who made the report. The IF function will include a TEXT function and a nested IF function with a VLOOKUP function. The logical test will verify if cell G2 is greater than 0. The value if true will include the TEXT and VLOOKUP functions: TEXT(G2,"YYYYMMDD"),"")&" "&IF(G1>0,VLOOKUP(G1,ListData!B15:C19,2) The value if false will return blank.
Solved by E. A. in 13 mins
I need a formula that will pull items that begin with "BTS" for example, from the Pulled Data tab. They have Unique references as there are multiple lines for different depots, which link back to one tab which will break down the amount of stock that is there for each depot. There are formulas that will pull the required data over to the overview tab, It is just pulling the required data over tp the three different tabs.
Solved by K. D. in 15 mins
i need to read some data of an html file using vba code, i am unable to get the specific data
Solved by E. E. in 28 mins
I have a data base in excel using VLOOKUP. A drop down list looks for data in another sheet and displays it on my data sheet. One of these cell's on my data sheet (say A1) looks at data in cell M2 on the other sheet. What I would like to do is enter data in A1 on my data sheet so that it will be entered on M2 on the other sheet but will still be displayed when the drop down list requests it.
Solved by E. H. in 20 mins
Hi, I have a list of image names on a spreadsheet. I would like to map these names on to their corresponding lines on a second spreadsheet. However the image names contain additional text before and after it... Is this possible to do through any vlookup alternative? Many thanks in advance.
Solved by V. E. in 13 mins