Making a spreadsheet for statistics. Collumns include X (data entries), mean, Xi - mean, Variance, etc.
Problem is that collumns like Xi - mean are making values in cells that should have no value, because no value was entered in the same row in the data entry collumn. It's basically assuming I want a zero there, when I haven't even entered a value. Which in turn is messing up collumns like variance, when I don't use all rows of the data entry. (I made it go to 30 for flexibility of different questions).
I am struggling to make it fluent so that, say in a question I only need to enter 12 data points, and the remaining 18 cells I made for flexibility don't have zero values in them when I haven't even entered anything in them.
In my document attached I have given an example of 3 data points. Collumns like variance are taking data from the other 27 data points when I haven't entered anything in them!
Also, when nothing is entered I am getting #DIV/0! which is another pointless annoyance!
Thank you for reading!
Solved by A. J. in 28 mins