Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on
I need descriptive statistics, mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of Column L in this excel workbook. Specifically, I need that data on both Males and Females which are noted as F and M in Column A.
Solved by G. E. in 23 mins
I need to create formulae based on criteria (name of a district) for standard deviation and counts.
Solved by D. H. in 20 mins
I need a formula to calculate the standard deviation for a data set that is based on one criteria (district name- column C)
Solved by M. H. in 28 mins
I am using the NORM.DIST function in excel for a normal probability problem is there any way I can make it to where the Z value is rounded to 2 decimal places instead of 3?
The question is find P(X<3.5) with the mean of 4 and Standard deviation of 0.8. I am inputting it as =NORM.DIST(3.5,4,0.8,1) and it equals 0.2659 but that is not the right answer. The correct answer is 0.2643. I have rooted the problem that it is because in the Norm.Dist formula, the Z value is that is used is 3 decimal places (-0.625) but it needs to be 2 decimal places (-0.63).
Solved by S. H. in 15 mins
I need help fixing a formula that calculates the standard deviation of a data set based on a categorical criteria in the data set.
Solved by A. Y. in 30 mins
I am trying to create a formula to get the standard deviation from a data set based on a criteria "client name"
Solved by X. A. in 29 mins
I'm trying to calculate the standard deviation for an average that I've calculated in a pivot table
Solved by D. C. in 11 mins
How can I calculate standard deviation in a pivot table?
Solved by O. B. in 30 mins
How can I calculate the standard deviation for an average in a pivot table?
Solved by C. B. in 22 mins
I have a list of occurrences for the day of the week when products were produced throughout the year
Product 1 - Monday
Product 2 - Tuesday
Product 1 - Monday
Product 1 - Tuesday
Product 2 - Tuesday
Product 2 - Thursday
This however is a list of 200+ products.
I need to know the standard deviation of these, so the day they are normally produced on and how likely they are to deviate from that.
Any idea how to do this?