We can use the excel CHAR function to return a character once we supply a valid character code. This is useful for specifying characters that are difficult to enter in a formula. This article will walk through the process of using the CHAR function.
Figure 1: Result and Comment after using the Excel CHAR function
Setting up the Data
The excel CHAR Function is valid for numbers between 1 and 255. Any number aside this range will produce a VALUE! error as the output. Use the UNICHAR function for numbers greater than 255.
- We will input the chosen numbers as shown in figure 2, Column A
- We will have the Output or result in Column B and Column C will be for comments based on the output
Figure 2: Setting up the Data for the Excel CHAR function
Applying the Excel CHAR Function
- We will click on Cell A4
- We will input the formula below into Cell A4
- We will press the enter key
Figure 3: Result for Cell A4 Using the Excel CHAR function
- We will use the fill handle to drag down and copy the formula into the other output cells
Figure 4: Result of the Excel CHAR function
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