NAMES Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to NAMES for Excel and Google Sheets.


The #NAME Excel Error – How to Find and Fix #NAME Errors in Excel
Excel functions such as AVERAGE, COUNTIF, and SUM are a useful way of shortcutting calculations, but that doesn't mean that you won't run into troubles. In fact, there are many types of errors that can pop up in Excel, and a common one is the #NAME? error. Here is why...
Get middle name from full name
Figure 1. of Get Middle Name from Full Name in Excel. In the event that we are required to obtain a middle name from a full name, we are going to use the LEN and MID Functions as well as the TRIM Function. This tutorial will step through the process...
How to Get First Name from Name with Comma in Excel
While working with excel spreadsheets, a times comes when we are required to get the first name from full name. In most cases, the name format is written as “Last, First” name. To get the first name, we need to use a formula that used the RIGHT, LEN and FIND...
Put Names in Proper Case
Excel allows us to put names in proper case using the PROPER function. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in putting names in proper case. Figure 1. The final result of the PROPER function Syntax of the PROPER Formula =PROPER(text) The parameter of the...
Get first name from name
Excel allows us to get first name from name using the FIND and LEFT functions. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in getting first name from name Figure 1. The final result of the formula Syntax of the FIND Formula The generic formula for...
How to Get the Last Name from Name
We can extract the last name from the full name of an individual in a cell by using a combination of the following functions: RIGHT, LEN, FIND, and SUBSTITUTE. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: How to Get Last Name from Name Formula =RIGHT(name,LEN(name)-FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(name," ","*",LEN(name)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(name," ","")))))...
How to Join First and Last Name in Excel
Excel allows us to join first and last name by using the TEXTJOIN or CONCATENATE functions. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in joining first and last name. Figure 1. The final result of the CONCATENATE function Syntax of the TEXTJOIN Formula =TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty,...