Miscellaneous Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to Miscellaneous for Excel and Google Sheets.


Check register balance
Excel allows a user to calculate a check register balance using the simple formula. Current balance is calculated when all deposits are summed and all withdrawals are subtracted. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in calculating a check register balance. Figure 1. The result...
Simple currency conversion
Figure 1. of Currency Conversion in Excel. In order to convert a Currency to other specified currencies, we can utilize the Excel VLOOKUP Function. The Excel VLOOKUP Function operates by using various country Currency Codes that we are required to provide. Generic Formula. =VLOOKUP(currency,xtable,column,0)*amount Note - xtable is the range...
How to Search Multiple Worksheets for Value
We can search MULTIPLE WORKSHEETS for a certain value and get a numeric count for the number of occurrence of the value with a formula that integrates the COUNTIF and the INDIRECT function. The steps below will walk through the process. Figure 1: How to Search Multiple Worksheets for Value...
One or the other not both
Figure 1. One or The Other Not Both in Excel. Let's say we have two items and we want to SELECT EITHER OF THEM BUT NOT BOTH of two items, we will be using the Excel XOR function. Generic Formula =XOR(criteria1,criteria2) Just one criterion is allowed to be fulfilled. How...
Range contains specific text
Figure 1. of Range Contains Specific Text in Excel. In the event that we are required to test if a column or row contains specific information/text (partial text or a specific substring), we are going to utilize the COUNTIF Function. The Excel COUNTIF Function counts the number of cells that...
Learn from a Risk Matrix Example in Excel
We can apply a risk matrix to a set of data to determine the risk that a hazard poses. We can do this with the INDEX and MATCH function. In this Matrix, the Y-axis tells us the SEVERITY of the risk involved and the X-axis tells us the LIKELIHOOD of...
How to Search an Entire Worksheet for a Value
We can search AN EXCEL WORKSHEET for a certain value and get a numeric count for the number of occurrence of the value with the COUNTIF function. This article will walk through the process. Figure 1: How to Search an Entire Worksheet for a Value Syntax =COUNTIF(range, criteria) Formula The...
Student class enrollment with table
While working with Excel, we are able to organize our data to suit our preference.  This tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in tracking student class enrollment with a table using the IF and COUNTIF functions.   Figure 1. Final result: Student class enrollment with table Final formula:...
What is the Basic Text Sort Formula in Excel?
Figure 1. of Basic Text Sort Formula in Excel. In order to alphabetically sort text values in Excel, we can utilize the COUNTIF Function. This tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in sorting text values. Generic Formula =COUNTIF(range,"<="&A1) When the text is compared by Excel, it will automatically...
Range contains one of many values
Excel allows a user to check if a range contains one of many values from the other range, using the SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIF functions. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in comparing two ranges. Figure 1. The result of the formula Syntax of the...
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