MIN AND MAX Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to MIN AND MAX for Excel and Google Sheets.


Maximum value
We can use the MAX function to get the maximum value in a given set of numbers. This post provides a clear way on how to go about it. Figure 1: Finding maximum value in a row Syntax of the formula =MAX (range) Where;         Range refers to the range from...
Larger of two values
While working with Excel, we are able to compare two or more values and determine the largest value by using the MAX function.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in determining the larger of two values.   Figure 1. Final result: Larger of two...
Large with criteria
Analyzing data often requires to find the largest value. Sometimes we need to extract the largest value based on a criteria. Excel offers a great solution to find the largest value with criteria. The LARGE and IF functions help us to find the largest value with criteria. In this tutorial,...
How to Find the Smaller of Two Values in Excel
When we have numeric values in two cells in Excel and need to compare them to find the smaller of two values, then this can be done using different formulas. Figure 1. Finding the Smaller of Two Values Using the MIN Function The Excel MIN function returns the smallest value...
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