INFORMATION Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to INFORMATION for Excel and Google Sheets.


How to Use the NA function
We can use the NA function to generate the #N/A error value. #N/A stands for “Not available”. The NA function is used to identify empty cells or any problem that arises in our calculation. The steps below will walk through its use. Figure 1: How to Use the NA function...
How to use the Excel ISFORMULA function
We can use the excel ISFORMULA function to check if a cell contains a formula or not. Even if the formula is valid or in an error state, the ISFORMULA function still returns TRUE if a formula is found and FALSE if otherwise. The steps below will walk through the...
Excel ISNUMBER Function
Excel allows a user to check if a value is numeric, by using the ISNUMBER function. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in checking if a value or a value of a cell isnumeric. Figure 1. The result of the ISNUMBER function Syntax of...
The Excel N Function
Figure 1. of Excel N Function The purpose of the Excel N Function is to convert a value to a number. This is an in-built Function in Excel which we can categorize as an Information Function. Operation Syntax N(value) The parameters of our formula/syntax are as follows Value - A...
Excel TYPE Function
Excel allows a user to get a type of value in the cell using the TYPE function. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in getting a type of value in the cell. Figure 1. The result of the TYPE function Syntax of the TYPE...
A Guide to the ISTEXT Function in Excel
Excel allows a user to check if a value is text, by using the ISTEXT function. This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in checking if a value or a value of a cell is text. Figure 1. The result of the ISTEXT function Syntax...
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