DATE SERIES Articles: Excel and Google Sheets

All resources related to DATE SERIES for Excel and Google Sheets.


Series of dates by year
Excel has made working with dates simpler than ever before. We can generate a series of dates by year using the DATE function. The DATE function takes the YEAR, MONTH and DAY arguments. In this tutorial, we will learn how to generate a series of dates by year. Figure 1:...
Series of dates by day
Excel has a unique way of storing dates through serial numbers, making it possible to perform mathematical operations to values representing dates.  This step by step tutorial will assist all levels of Excel users in generating series of dates by day. Figure 1.  Final result: Series of dates by day...
How to Generate a Series of Dates by Workdays in Excel
Working with dates is one of the most challenging aspects for many. However, Excel has made working with dates simpler over time. One of these features offered by Excel is to generate weekdays excluding weekends. We can do it using the WORKDAY function. In this tutorial, we will be learn...